Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Get $200,000 UNSECURED to buy Cape Coral real estate!
In the next two minutes you're going to learnsomething about your credit that most folks willnever know. And it will help you buy lots of Cape Coral Florida real estate so you can turnsome huge profits…
Almost everyone knows that a loan or credit cardin your personal name gets reported to the 3credit bureaus. And this money shows up on yourcredit report. The more money you owe on yourcredit report, the lower your credit score willbe. And bad credit hurts you in many ways youdon't even know about.
But - pay attention now - there is a way to getmoney and credit cards that nevershow up on yourpersonal credit report.
And here it is ...
When you get a business line of credit or business creditcard in the name of a new business, it will neverappear on your personal credit report.
So you can get large amounts of cash from certain nationalbanks without worrying about your personal credit profile.
You can then use this cash to some prime Cape Coral real estate, and your assets remain confidential.
And you can start a business on paper for almost nothing.Just pick out a cool name for your new businessand submit it on-line. No matter how much cashyou take out in the name of your business, yourcredit score never drops.
So you could get up to $200,000 in cash advancesfrom these new business lines of credit and useit for -
1. The down payment on your new piece of Florida real estate.
2. Rehabbing an older Cape Coral property.
3. Paying cash finders fees to a bird dog to get control of a property.
4. Marketing and advertising costs to find motivated buyers when you’re ready to sell your Cape Coral property and rake in huge profits.
5. Pay the utilities and monthly payments while you wait to sell the real estate for a big profit.
This is the best way most people have ever seen toget cash to buy any Florida real estate. Because, in effect,the money is invisible. It does not get reportedon your personal credit report, so it does notlower your credit score.
Pretty amazing, stuff. But just the tip of the iceberg on what you will learn when you startusing what we’ve discovered at:
Here are some common myths about your credit -
Credit Myth #1 : Checking your own credit canlower your credit score. This is probably one ofthe most common credit myths out there. When youor someone else accesses your credit file, it isreferred to as an inquiry. Your own requests foryour credit report, promotional inquiries bycredit card companies, and "checkup" inquiries byyour existing creditors do not affect your creditrating.
An inquiry made by a lender in order toevaluate your loan or credit application maylower your credit rating, however.
Credit Myth #2: You have one credit score. This isanother myth that can be confusing for consumers.There are many types of credit scores--includingthose developed by the each of the three majorcredit reporting companies. These scores canvary, because sometimes the information in yourcredit history varies from one company toanother. So it is wise to check your scores firstbefore applying for a loan. The FICO® creditscore developed by Fair Isaac Corporation is thecredit score used most by lenders.
It is unique to each individual and takes into account such factors as the length of your credit history,your debt-to-credit ratio and payment history.
Credit Myth #3: The higher your salary, the higheryour score. Not true. In fact, your net worth isnot reported to any credit reporting company.Your score is based largely upon the credit thathas been offered to you, the amount of debt youhave and your payment history. So DO NOT closeyour major credit cards, or you will lower thetotal credit that is offered to you and this maylower your over-all credit score.
The more credit you use and the more of your debtyou pay off, the likelier it is that you'll see apositive change in your score.
Credit Myth #4: Paying off debt will immediatelyincrease your credit score. This is somethingmany consumers have difficulty understanding.While paying down debt is likely to have apositive impact on your credit score, it won'tchange your score overnight. Creditors report their customers' payment information to creditreporting companies on a periodic basis, so itmay take 30 days before payments you've made arereflected in your credit score.
Learn how to receive up to $200,000 UNSECURED to buy a great piece of Florida real estate…and start turning profits quickly.
Click now at
Almost everyone knows that a loan or credit cardin your personal name gets reported to the 3credit bureaus. And this money shows up on yourcredit report. The more money you owe on yourcredit report, the lower your credit score willbe. And bad credit hurts you in many ways youdon't even know about.
But - pay attention now - there is a way to getmoney and credit cards that nevershow up on yourpersonal credit report.
And here it is ...
When you get a business line of credit or business creditcard in the name of a new business, it will neverappear on your personal credit report.
So you can get large amounts of cash from certain nationalbanks without worrying about your personal credit profile.
You can then use this cash to some prime Cape Coral real estate, and your assets remain confidential.
And you can start a business on paper for almost nothing.Just pick out a cool name for your new businessand submit it on-line. No matter how much cashyou take out in the name of your business, yourcredit score never drops.
So you could get up to $200,000 in cash advancesfrom these new business lines of credit and useit for -
1. The down payment on your new piece of Florida real estate.
2. Rehabbing an older Cape Coral property.
3. Paying cash finders fees to a bird dog to get control of a property.
4. Marketing and advertising costs to find motivated buyers when you’re ready to sell your Cape Coral property and rake in huge profits.
5. Pay the utilities and monthly payments while you wait to sell the real estate for a big profit.
This is the best way most people have ever seen toget cash to buy any Florida real estate. Because, in effect,the money is invisible. It does not get reportedon your personal credit report, so it does notlower your credit score.
Pretty amazing, stuff. But just the tip of the iceberg on what you will learn when you startusing what we’ve discovered at:
Here are some common myths about your credit -
Credit Myth #1 : Checking your own credit canlower your credit score. This is probably one ofthe most common credit myths out there. When youor someone else accesses your credit file, it isreferred to as an inquiry. Your own requests foryour credit report, promotional inquiries bycredit card companies, and "checkup" inquiries byyour existing creditors do not affect your creditrating.
An inquiry made by a lender in order toevaluate your loan or credit application maylower your credit rating, however.
Credit Myth #2: You have one credit score. This isanother myth that can be confusing for consumers.There are many types of credit scores--includingthose developed by the each of the three majorcredit reporting companies. These scores canvary, because sometimes the information in yourcredit history varies from one company toanother. So it is wise to check your scores firstbefore applying for a loan. The FICO® creditscore developed by Fair Isaac Corporation is thecredit score used most by lenders.
It is unique to each individual and takes into account such factors as the length of your credit history,your debt-to-credit ratio and payment history.
Credit Myth #3: The higher your salary, the higheryour score. Not true. In fact, your net worth isnot reported to any credit reporting company.Your score is based largely upon the credit thathas been offered to you, the amount of debt youhave and your payment history. So DO NOT closeyour major credit cards, or you will lower thetotal credit that is offered to you and this maylower your over-all credit score.
The more credit you use and the more of your debtyou pay off, the likelier it is that you'll see apositive change in your score.
Credit Myth #4: Paying off debt will immediatelyincrease your credit score. This is somethingmany consumers have difficulty understanding.While paying down debt is likely to have apositive impact on your credit score, it won'tchange your score overnight. Creditors report their customers' payment information to creditreporting companies on a periodic basis, so itmay take 30 days before payments you've made arereflected in your credit score.
Learn how to receive up to $200,000 UNSECURED to buy a great piece of Florida real estate…and start turning profits quickly.
Click now at